Upstate NY Babies

FFCF? I got one..

We don't do this often, but may I have a flame free confession?

I don't get the rush to "potty train" at 2. My mom swears I was, but I don't buy it. Batty's post about it had me thinking, and this is not a flame towards her at all. My mom bringing it up this weekend, and the latest post make me want to vent.

But, if you have to lock yourself in your house for days to get your child to use the potty every hour or sounds terrible! Like toddler potty boot camp! If LO wakes up wet from nap and night time, are they really ready?

I have underwear for R, and he sits on the potty before tubby. We are very verbal about it, and discuss what is happening and when/where it should be. BUT....he is not ready to be using the potty 100%. I am not planning on using pull ups as I feel like they are just over priced diapers. When he is ready to wear underpants and starts having more dry diapers, I will let him and encourage the potty. However he will still be diapered at nap and night until he stops waking up wet. 

Who is being trained, LO or the parent? BTW...I hate the term trained. I get it if LO is close to 3 and needs to be diaper free for preschool, but there is a HUGE difference between 2 and 3. I took the paci because I feared mouth/tooth issues. I switched to a bed because he wasn't sleeping well and was cramped....but switching to underwear before he is really ready? What's the point?

Kudos to those who did it, and good luck to those who are jumping into it! =)

Your turn for a FFC! 

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