June 2012 Moms

Switching OB's because of the Hospital????

I have a new dilemma, but luckily I have about 6 weeks before I have to make a final decision.  I have been with my OB for a number of years (let's say like 10 to make the point of our long relationship) and we always talked about her delivering my future kids.  Now that I am pregnant, she is switching office practices, which will entail her switching the hospital at which she delivers babies.  The problem is the hospital sucks!  It's on a bad side of town, many patients in and out ~ it's almost like a county hospital.  On the other hand, I recently moved and live about 40 miles from my doctor's office and (old) hospital anyhow.  I don't mind traveling, but in cases of emergency and follow-up testing, I have went to a local hospital about 15 minutes from my new house and love it!  The staff is great, it's a new hospital (hence, very clean), and it's close to home.  I even had a detailed conversation with an OBY-GYN on staff there before he performed emergency surgery on me in the past few months ~ very nice!

So, do I A) Stay with my OB of 10 years and deliver my baby at this not-so-favorable hospital or B) Switch OB's in the next few weeks (while you can still switch early on in your pregnancy) to be able to deliver at the better and closer hospital?  WHAT DO I DO?!  What would you do?

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