Upstate NY Babies

Hi ladies! PIP time!

We had our little girl, Audrey Elizabeth, yesterday at 8:18am!  She was 6lbs. 15oz. and 20 inches long.  Such a peanut compared to big sister Stella who was 8lbs. 8oz.!  The surgery went perfectly and I'm slowly recovering.  She is an exact replica of Stella, just a little smaller and with a little less hair.  I can't get on FB at the hospital but I see DHs updates from his Droid have been found ;)  That's why I love you girls, I'd be doing the same thing! 

The flooding here has been crazy so Stella only got to come to the hospital yesterday.  She didn't even really bat an eye at the baby, but did give her a bop on the head and a few kisses so I know they're going to be best sisters!  We're under a State of Emergency and my parents may be evacuated today.  I'm happy we're high up on the 5th floor of the hospital right now but I miss my other little girl.

Now for the PIPs...

Last pic before going to the hospital:

New squishy baby:

Meeting big sister:



DD1: 3/31/10 DD2: 9/7/11
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