Single Parents

? about temp custody

So a friend of mine is going through a mess with her sons BD.  It's a big ugly mess.  Six weeks ago he broke into her house took her DS shoved her out of the way and left with him.  She couldn't track him down until two weeks ago when she saw BD drop him off at a random DC, so after he left she went in (and even though she wasn't on the pickup list, had proof she was the mother with no PO)  and retrieved her son and has had him ever since. 

Last week she was served with papers and they have court tomorrow, BD asking for temporary full custody until a parenting plan can be in place. 

BD has an attorney.  She does NOT.  Will they go through with the order tomorrow even though she has no one standing up for her??  Or will they give her time to pull some money together for a retainer and find a lawyer?  Or can a public defender stand in on something like this?

TIA for any feedback!

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