Single Parents

what do you do??

I've been a single parent since midway through my pregnancy and my son is now almost 10 months old. His father is completely absent and has a history of drug abuse (which I did not know about). We have our court date set later this month for CS/custody which has caused a lot of tension with G (his father) and I to say the least.

How do I handle being completely annoyed, constantly dissapointed, and furious at him. We essentially have a link for 18 years at a minimum unless I marry and his dad gives up his parental rights. I recognize I have no control over G's actions or behaviors but I AM SO MAD.

I'm really at a loss right now, I have so much anger and I don't know how to channel it. Has anyone else felt this way or found a way to let go of the resentments? I'm seeing a therapist and trying so so hard to not be upset for the sake of my son.

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