January 2012 Moms

Baby wouldn't move giant feet & still low lying placenta :(

Had my (almost) 20 week ultrasound today! It was so good to see baby in there! It is such a reassurance to see heartbeat! I was hoping to know the gender today, DH couldn't get off work, so I brought along an envelope so we could open it together when he got off work. But no luck! Not only did baby have its legs crossed (so cute!) but it also would NOT move its giant feet out of the way! The tech said she thought she saw *something* but couldn't be sure enough to tell me what it was. Baby must be keeping it a secret until daddy can be there Stick out tongue So still Team Green for now!

Baby was sleepy and so was super cooperative for taking pictures. The tech said my placenta still hasn't moved up, but hopefully they will be able to tell me more once they review the photos and give me a call back. So I've been staring down my phone waiting to hear from them, even though I'm sure they won't call for a couple more hours. Hopefully everything else is good news!

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