January 2012 Moms

I EBF'ed and my DH is fully bonded with DS

Just wanted to put that out there. Even if you EBF, your parner absolutely CAN be fully involved and bonded to the baby. My husband and son have a very special relationship, DH can do anything I can do (bath, bed, dinner, park, kissing boo boos...) I don't think he feels like he got robbed at all.

If you don't want to EBF, that's totally fine, I'm not saying one *should* or should *not* breastfeed, formula feed or pump.

But I do want to dispell the myth that a father can't or won't bond with a baby who exclusively breastfeeds. I would certainly not let that be a deterrent, if it's the only thing holding you back.

Hope I'm not rocking anyone's boat here!! Totally not what I meant to do!!!

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