January 2012 Moms

Phone call direct from your Dr.... never good

Sorry this may be kind of long...

After a 24 hour shift I was sleeping in yesterday, exhausted mentally and physically. My phone started to ring and I didn't recoginze the number so I let it go to VM.  I listened to the voicemail straight away and it was my Dr. Not the office, my actual Dr. Freaking out I jumped out of bed and called right back and she had gone in to see another patient so I left a message. I told my husband and he wasn't worried (I am a total worry freak and he is the calm one about everything in life). 

Finally I got a call back from my Dr. and was told that there is a cyst on my baby's brain that was found during my A/S. She has referred me to a specialist in Annapolis for another level 2 sono, which I have scheduled for next Wednesday. She said that these are becoming "normal" due to the advancing nature of technology and that they normally go away in a couple of weeks.

I was so freaked out and stunned I couldn't even ask her any question or think of any for that matter. I started crying hysterically and ran downstairs to my husband (he works from home). He was very upset as well, but then we googled. We saw that what my doctor said was right and that it is becoming "normal" and tons of babies get them and just go away. It says that is can be a marker for Tristomy 18 if there are other signs of a problem, but all of our tests came back normal. 

All day I cried at the drop of the hat blaming myself for this and scared that this cyst is hurting my baby. I know all irrational but I am already super protective of this life inside of me. Since no one has posted anything about this, it looks like my baby is the lucky 1/100 to have this. Now I wait a week for my next a/s on pins and needles...

This sucks. Thank you for letting me get that out...

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