January 2012 Moms

To do lists....

After my visit from my in-laws on Sunday I have been trying my hardest to keep the house in visitor condition or at least in a condition where if someone decides to drop by I won't be mortified. Since then my DH has had friends over twice and I cleaned up, and yesterday he was off and messed the house up, which I once again cleaned this morning....BUT....I think I'm starting to get in a good routine of getting everything done around here that I want done every day. I'm exhausted, but the house looks good and it makes me feel better having things the way I really want them.
Today (my only day off this week)  I must: 
go get my paycheck and deposit,
grocery shop for the week
go yell at the city department for messing up my water bill (BIGTIME)
Finish laundry
Dishes put away from dishwasher
run the vaccum
finish tearing down wallpaper in LO's room
who knows what else I'll get into.

What's on your plate?

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