Upstate NY Babies

Eye Surgery

Tyler has been seeing a pediatric ophthalmologist every 6 months since he was about 9 months old due to his left eye turning up, called stubismus.  His eye turning up isn't consistant, it tends to act up when he is tired and only when he looks in certain directions.  Most people never notice it, it is kind of like being cross eyed.  His Dr suggests surgery to cut the muscle in the eye, and said we should do it before he enters kindergarden.  He said it isn't something that NEEDs to be done, but when a kid already has some issues socially like Ty, something cosmeticly wrong like this isn't going to help him in life.  Which I totally agree with!  I had been putting off the surgery over and over, but it is time to do it if we are going to do it by kindergarden.  Suddenly, I find myself questioning whether to do it.  It should be a no brainer, but it is still surgery which is mostly cosmetic.  Uhg.  Our next appt. is next week.


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