January 2012 Moms

Seeing my 3rd baby was surreal yet again

Other then hearing that heartbeat for the first time, nothing compares to seeing what/who is in there! It is really real. Hubby was crushed that I didn't tell the doctor to let him know what the sex of the baby is and I feel badly about it, but it wasn't a surprise that I said no. I had told him that I didn't want to find out for this last pregnancy. He got over it pretty quickly though. Baby is all healthy and looks good. Over the 97th percentile in weight/growth and I seriously hope that changes. Although I don't pay much attention to the weight predictions midway like this. Only got 2 pictures. Doctor was nice, but cheap with pics. One of alien looking face and one of an arm and hand. Baby was not too cooperative and she couldn't see its profile at all. It was all over the place and pushing away from the wand. And when she finally got its face...baby stuck its tongue out at us. Signs of things to come, I'm sure. Ok, I'll stop boring everyone, just so happy that this is done now.
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