January 2012 Moms

And another SIL vent (nbr)

OK I just need to be a biotch and complain b/c I feel so sorry for my little nephew.

It's been about 4 years since my SIL has been invovled with this guy. They get together for 2-3 weeks, then get into a fight and break up for a week, then they are back on and planning a wedding, then they break up again, then they want to buy a house, then they break up again, then she gets pregnant he says he doesn't love her and she should abort so she does, then they are back together again, then they get into a fist fight, then she theratenes to kill herself, then she gets pregnant with a random guy, then she gets back together with this loser, then they break up and now finally they are together again and she asked her 1-year old if he'd like to have a little brother or sister.

OH did I mention this guy is an alcoholic?!?!? And just two weeks ago she was complaining how being a mom is so difficult b/c she has no time for herself and it is not good for her mental health.  OK and now you want another child and you can't even take care of this one???

WTF?!?!? I just don't get this... I'm so sad for that little guy :(

vent over

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