North Carolina Babies

Amelia Paige is here!

Born 9-1 at 9:31 pm.  Birth story is pretty short and sweet. 

At 7:20 I was sitting on the couch watching TV and felt a small trickle.  Wasn't sure if I peed or it was my water.  Then it happened again a few minutes later and I decided it probably was my water.  I wasn't having any contractions, but I did feel alot of pressure when I went to the bathroom to clean up.  Told DH I thought it was time, and he came up from the garage to get cleaned up.  I called our doula to let her know things were happening.  By the time DH got out of the shower, I was in a ton of pain, and having contractions so long and close together I couldn't even time them.  My water had completely broken at that point as well.  So I labored on my exercise ball while DH got our bags together and called MIL and my mom. 

MIL had Eli, but they were on their way home.  So he called to tell her to stay in the driveway and he ran Eli's things out to her and she took him back to her house.  By the time she got there, I was completely in the throws of labor and in a serious amount of pain.  She said she could hear me moaning from the driveway!  Turns out I was in transition, and I started getting really scared.  I didn't think I could make it to the hospital.  DH started freaking out a little too, and pretty much had to drag me out to the car.  We called the doula to meet us there.

Fortunately, my labor stalled on the car ride, which was a God send.  I don't know how I made it.  I had my head out the window with my eyes shut as DH pulled all his race car driving skills.  Got to the hospital and went directly to the labor & delivery room.  It took everything I had to not push while they got my clothes off and got me in bed so I could be checked.  Turns out I was 8.5 dilated and it had only been 1.5 hours!  The doula showed up shortly after and so did the OB.  By the time he got there I was a 10.  I swear it had only been 15 mins.  They were still getting my information (for some reason it wasn't all in the system even though I pre-registered) and I started pushing.  She was born at 9:31 with only a few pushes.  And I did it naturally! 

She is absolutely perfect and weighed 6 lb 13 oz, 20.5 in long.  Born 1 day shy of 38 weeks.  She's having a little trouble nursing and lost alot of weight, so for now I'm pumping, but hopefully she'll be nursing soon.  Otherwise everything is great and Eli is so excited. 



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