January 2012 Moms

Nusery Themes

Ok, so before I even got pregnant I knew that I wanted to have a zoo/jungle theme for my baby's nursery.  I just really like critters and always thought it was a fun idea. Now that baby is well on the way and I'm buying things, I was actually super excited to see that the jungle theme is super popular! I am finding SO many things that are even cuter than I had imagined! :D


I live in the Hipster Capitol of the world (Portland, Or) and a few times when I've had coworkers ask me about the nursery they say "Ug, that is so popular right now... I would never choose that for my nursery." and look like they have just smelt something bad. I just shrug it off... but now I'm starting to worry... am I in danger of making my child... mainstream?!??!?!?! haha!!! j/k :)

 I hope everyone here is having just as much fun as I am getting ready for little ones to arrive as I am! :)

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