Single Parents

Anyone started the divorce pwk even though it was your s/o that wanted the divorce?

It has been a long while since my intro post, sorry about that. 

I am meeting someone on Friday to discuss my options with divorce and child support.  I feel sick to my stomach.  My h has clearly stated that he wants a divorce and that the marriage is over.  But yet, he has not done any of the divorce pwk.

I just can't fathom why he is being so "weak".  His reasoning for the divorce is that first, my disability bothers him, second, he does not like my personality and third, he never loved me and hoped that it would grow but it never did. He knew all of these things about me before he asked me to marry him.  He is a pretty good actor as he did a very elaborate marriage proposal, cried at our wedding, had a baby with me, and yes he still does nice things for me.  But he is brutally honest with his words.  He is also refusing to talk to anyone including me about anything to the point that he is refusing to leave me any room for relationship building.  We do not fight, he is impossible to fight with because he has zero emotions so if anyone tried to yell or jump in joy with him, he can only respond with a very linear flat temperament.  He needs help and I know I am not in the position to help him.  I am just shocked to hear all this in the last few months after being married for 4 years.

He even says he wants to give me all the money we have and transfer all of his retirement into my account just because he does not want to get into an argument or confrontation.  We are not even arguing in the first place. The only thing is that he is still committed to fathering his son so it will be shared custody.

Sorry I had to vent.  I know I deserve a full fledge relationship in which he is not giving me and that this relationship is not healthy at all.  He refuses counseling.  We have been sleeping in separate bedrooms for 3 months now.  I am looking for a new place for my child and I because I hate the thought of how my child is watching how his father is treating his mother.  But why is it so hard for me to proceed?  I wish he would man up and do the divorce paperwork.


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