January 2012 Moms

longest dr appt EVER!

So the office schedules got a bit mixed up. They had be come in at 8:10 to drink for the glucola test. So i drank sat, there for an hour, got blood drawn at 9:10, waited til 10:00 for my a/s, and then didnt see the dr for my actual visit until after 11:00!!! I was there forever!

Results..... well my i got a 137 on my glucola screen so i was over the max by 7, i go back for the 3 hour next week. They gave me the rules for my "diet", yikes!!

The a/s went well. Everything looks great, Raeleigh is still a girl!!! YAY! She is measuring at 1lb 6 oz, and right on schedule!

 I only gained 1 lb this month, and the dr was very pleased considering the disgusting amount i packed on last month! He did say from here on out he wants me gaining between 2-4 lbs per month. 


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