April 2012 Moms

back from first u/s

I had my second appointment today (first u/s). This is still feeling kind of surreal for me... like watching your life on a movie screen rather than actually living it here in the moment. I hope I can catch my breath soon so I can start really enjoying all of this. Anyway, baby had a tiny flickering beautiful heartbeat with 145bpm. It all went by so fast. I'm not sure why I become so silent when I walk into the Dr. office, but I didn't even ask exactly how big baby was. The tech said he/she was measuring 7w4d, so pretty much right on track with my charting and O (not the 9w0d measurement the office wanted to use based on LMP).

Something a little weird and I was hoping some of your experience might help ease my anxiety a little bit. While she was checking everything down there, she found a cyst on my left ovary. She didn't say how large it was, although clearly she was measuring it. She asked if I knew if I O'd from that side... Honestly, this cycle I don't know - I didn't have any O pains. I don't have any cramping on that side and I couldn't complain about much of anything beside the m/s at this point. When we went to talk with the Dr. he didn't mention at all. So I brought it up, and he said not to worry because it could just be the Corpus Luteum from O. I asked him how big it was (bc it looked pretty damn big on that screen) and he made a little circle with his hand... maybe the size of a prune? I will not kill myself with self diagnosis via google since the Dr. didn't seem worried. But, any thoughts or experience with this?

Finally, since I complained again about the m/s the Dr. prescribed Promethazine. He said it would make me drowsy. I've seen this less talked about on this board and before I start loading myself with all these drugs, I think I'm going to wait a few days and cross my fingers that I start feeling a little bit of relief like some of you.

ok AND the picture... ohBaby <3


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