January 2012 Moms

Girls name. Opinion?

Our list of girls names DH and I agree on is pretty short but I think we both agree on either London Mackenzie or London Blake. Thoughts? Our last name starts with an R and is two syllables. I like to hear what other people think of names since our LO is going to have to go through their whole life with it. :) Also on a side note London isn't just random. I grew up in Germany and spent a lot of time and vacations in London and it's been such a special place for me and my family which is why I love it so much. TIA!:)
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Lilypie First Birthday tickers
BFP 1 on 10.30.10 spontaneous m/c on 12.28.10 at 12 weeks
BFP 2 It's a girl! Born 1.18.12 at 39w
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