North Carolina Babies

Potty Training Advice Needed!

So on Saturday Jocelyn told me she wanted to wear big girl undies, no more diapers. So we took advantage of it and put her in undies and she did great, we did the 3 day method, day 1 she had 2 accidents, day 2 no accidents and peed in the potty and pooped, day 3 she refused to pee in the potty at all except once. She had once accident. So today is day 4 and she has had no accidents and peed in the potty twice (so a total of 4 accidents in 4 days, not including a few damp panties).

All of a sudden starting yesterday, every time she sits on the potty she freaks out and screams and says it hurts her back and she melts down. Or she says she has to go like 500 times and then refuses to. We have been doing a pull up for nap and bedtime and she is required to wear them for preschool, which she did today and peed in them, all though she was put on the potty she would not go there.

Part of me feels like she is not ready since I have to constantly ask her to go and she is crying and begging for a diaper, and going immediately when a pull up is on. We've done rewards, M&M's, Jelly Beans, etc. Now we are doing a potty prize if she earns enough beans in a cup she will get a prize. UGG. I just don't want this to be a battle. Is this how it was for those who have trained little ones? Should I tweak my method? Any advice is needed, I am stressed!

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