Single Parents

What to do?!

I've been seeing my boyfriend for over 6 years now, and we have always argued a lot and we finally decided to break up about a week ago. I am 24 years old and he is 32 years old. I am currently 9w+4d pregnant. I was on the pill and I didn't want an abortion. He wanted an abortion, and then he said he couldn't be apart of it the first day, but after that, now he wants 50/50 (1 week with me, 1 week with him) and he told me I can't expect much financial help because I decided to keep it knowing his financial position. He lives with a friend's father (rents a room) and just helps with utilities. He makes like $300-1000 a month being a courier (he got his cdl 2 years ago, but couldn't find a job - still! .. he is too picky when he looks for jobs), while I make about $1500-1700 a month at my current job (school bus driver). I am graduating in a few months with my bachelor's degree in accounting. Anyways, we both live in Washington, I just moved to my own 2 bedroom apartment from my moms. My family is not supportive of me keeping the child, nor of our relationship. So I don't have much support, and his family is all in California, who would take my ex-bf in and help him with anything basically.

We were talking about child support last night. I was planning to get help from the state with daycare and insurance until I could get a job in accounting. I realized that the state requires child support in order to do that. So I told him, and he said he'd rather me pay child support and he would get the benefits. I don't think so. I'm going to be paying everything anyways, so why would I give him money. He said he would pay me back. He said he won't be in the system like that.

My fear is that we both try to file for child support... then what happens? What about doing a parenting plan? He already has a lawyer, but I don't, so that's a few thousand dollars I'll need. I am really afraid that he will be able to take our child down to California because of his support system. I know there isn't a default custody, I don't think, but how do I go about trying to get custody or child support. I know he is going to fight everything.

And, when he mentioned abortion, I asked him about adoption, and he said he would take the child and move to California and I didn't have to be apart of the child's life. Um, no thank you. He was the one who didn't want the child, and now he is saying he will be the parent 100% of the time. I can't just kill an innocent little one. 

Thanks for reading. Please tell me what steps I need to take in order to not lose my child that he really didn't want.

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