January 2012 Moms

AW: baby shower

sorry that i am full of posts today, just lots of excitement this past weekend for us.

Saturday I had my baby shower. (i promise i will post some pictures once i get some). I have to say my SIL and mom did a wonderful job with my shower. My SIL did most of the work and the planning, my mom really just helped coordinate hosting it, pulling it all together. They both did some amazing things for me. Since we are NC and will be traveling back home to AZ, they requested to bring things we could pack or have larger gifts shipped for us, which was very much appriciated. I know we will have a box or two to send back, but at least they should not be heavy. My SIL made the most amazing diaper cake, seriously! (again I promise picture once i get my hands on some.) She made the cake out of all cloth diapers for me and a handful of disposable newborn diapers. The topper was a firefighter rubber ducky faucet cover. Along with a police officer temperature rubber ducky (the ones that read hot on the base). It was stuffed with all sorts of goodies. She did a craft with the ladies as well before I arrived. She had the guests decorate onesies (of different sizes) and bibs for our LO. It will be amazing to have our LO wear them and be reminded of the love of our family and friends. On the invitation she also requested that in place of a card each person to give us a book for our LO. Such a wonderful idea and a wonderful surprise for me. I now have an amazing book collection for our LO all signed with love! I am sure that LO will cherish these book as he/she grows up. (and we actually did not receive a single duplicate with the books!) My MIL made the favors.. booboo bunnies. They were a hit with everyone, including me. SIL also had DH come by at the end to give him a gift. The book "Go the F to Sleep" and a daddy tool belt which held rubber gloves, face masks, clothes pins, ear plugs and more. Definitely gave him a laugh and he absolutely loved the book! :) Ohh and we had the same lady that did our wedding cake, do cupcakes. AMAZING!  http://www.nccakesbychris.com/  Over all a very memorable day! Anyhow, hope you each have just as wonderful of a baby shower in the coming months!

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