January 2012 Moms

Whoa...Extremely rude CL reply

We are clearing out my husband's office and our garage to make room for the baby things and get the nursery together. So I was on CL today, posting various items when I came across this ad:


I immediately felt like I wanted to reach out to her with whatever I had to give. We rec'd a brand new Jenny Lind crib from one of my customers at work when we adopted Jayden back in '06. We never used it b/c my mom ended up surprising us with furniture for the nursery. We set the Jenny Lind crib up at my mom's house and it was used rarely, whenever we would visit. Now I know it's a drop side and there's a recall on drop side cribs now. However, there is also a repair kit that you can purchase (or even get the hardware at Lowes) to immobilize the drop side. I had plans of putting the crib on freecycle and just giving it to someone less fortunate (with the above info of the recall and the advice of the repair kit) b/c it is still usable if immobilized. So when I saw her ad, I decided to offer it to her. Here's her reply (which she sent to my email THREE times:

"no thank u, i dont want my son n there, i think u should throw it away"

Indifferent  Now, don't get me wrong, I totally understand if she is just not comfortable using a crib that has been recalled. I totally get it! But there's a much nicer way to reply...how about "No thank you. I'm just not comfortable using a recalled crib, but thanks for your offer!" But to be so nasty to someone who was offering you something for FREE?? That's just rude. I do hope she drops that attitude if shes expecting strangers to help her with her baby. It seems like she's just looking for newer items at little to no cost. So much for trying to help those in need.



Nia, Mom to Jayden Michael, Born 12/04/06, Adopted 12/07/06
And Elias Parker, Born 3.5 weeks early 12/20/2011 image
FINALLY!!! After 7 years of infertility! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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