January 2012 Moms

How to help a friend

I found out on Friday that one of my closest friends had a miscarriage at 9 weeks.  I had seen her that morning, and she was tearing up because she'd started spotting.  She was supposed to have her first ultrasound that day, and when she called me after her appointment she couldn't speak.  

Of course, I told her to let me know if she needs anything.  I have called again this weekend and left a message to let her know that I am thinking about her.  I just don't know how much I should reach out to her and how much I should respect her space right now.  If I were in her situation, I could imagine both wanting to be alone and then feeling lonely.

I know that many women who post on this board have unfortunately experienced miscarriages.  I wondered if you have any advice, or if there anyone did anything that you either really hated or really loved.  I was thinking about getting her some sort of memento - a necklace or something - but I'm not sure if that would just be strange.

Thanks for your help. 

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