North Carolina Babies

He's Here!

Coleman "Cole" Byron made his arival this weekend! Thursday at my checkup the doctor joked "so when did you want to have this baby? You're already at 5cm" So she stripped the membranes and off I went. Contractions started not long after, but nothing significant, so I kept thinking, oh it'll still be Tuesday when they induce before anything happens. Then Friday morning up at 4:30am with contractions picking up. All day long, getting a little stronger until finally after dinner I couldn't take it anymore. We packed up, called my SIL to watch Wyatt and off we went. Got to the hospital around 10:00pm and the doctor checked me and we were at 6cm and the contractions slowed down (of course). So she said we'd watch and they'd keep me anyways because of how far dilated I was.

About 11:30pm the nurse came in and asked when I wanted the epidural because they were getting ready for a surgery and it would be another 2-3 hours before I could get it if I didn't get it then. So we decided she'd check me again and see if I was still progressing or not and then decide. Right as she started to check me, my water broke. Bring on the epidural please! 2:40am we started pushing, 2:57am there he was! My husband got to deliver him completely. The doctor just sat beside him on the bed and walked him through it. Such a neat experience! We had the BEST nurse that night and my doctor was amazing, the whole atmosphere all night was just laid back, laughing (mixed with the BEST epidural) Completely different experience from my first.

Cole was 8.1 lbs and 20.5 inches long. We got to come home today and he'd only lost 2 ounces in weight!!! yay! He's such a laid back baby and so easy to deal with so far (crossing my fingers it lasts) Now on to see how big brother will adjust Smile

Will post a picture soon! 

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