January 2012 Moms

Team greeners: Don't study sonography!

I posted a little while ago about whether or not to go team green. Well, DH and I finally decided on the morning of our a/s to stick to our guns, and not find out. So we're all proud of ourselves, and we get in the room, and LO was absolutely beautiful! Baby was extremely active, and so much fun to watch on the screen! Sucking it's thumb, wiggling it's back while the tech was trying to get a good look of it's spine...so cute! It was really cool to actually see all of those movements I've been feeling. But then, the tech moved the wand into position to check baby's bottom and posterior, etc. He didn't say a word, he was very respectful of our decision, even thinking it sounded like fun. That was, until I realized that I knew exactly what I was looking at (I couldn't make myself look away, are you kidding me?). And me, having a big mouth, blurted "Oh my God! It's a girl!" DH's mouth dropped, and the tech started laughing. Apparently my interest in maternal & prenatal care while studying for nursing school got a little out of hand...

Oh well! I'm so excited! It took a little bit to get used to, since we were so convinced it was a boy. All the old wives tales, the Chinese gender chart, and all of our family said boy. Nope! All wrong! 

DH admitted to me on the way home he was a little disappointed. But we went baby clothes shopping, and he found the cutest outfit that had pink & turquoise polka dots with some little blue jeans that said "Daddy's Little Girl" across the front. He was all smiles after that, and has been brainstorming girls names with me (we only had boys names picked out, girl names are hard!).

All of that to say, add me to team pink (accidentally)!

Our little thumbsucker! 

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