January 2012 Moms

In-law visits

My in-laws decided a week ago that they were going to come up today and visit, which is odd because this will only make the second time they've ever come to our house in the almost 5 years we've lived here. We hadn't started on the baby's room when they decided to come up, but we have since then so I suppose that will give a good reason for them to be here. I have no real complaints about my in-laws I guess I'm just confused as to the reason for the visit.  They live about 2 hours away and will be driving up and back before dark so they won't be here for that long.
I've busted my rear all week trying to get the house in perfect order, while working 50+ hours this week, and dealing with a husband who had a severe allergy to something outside and has left all the yard work to me this week. This visit better go well!!

on the up side of things, my house is now pristine and hopefully I can keep it this way and won't have to do another major clean-up in the near future.

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