January 2012 Moms

Back from ER/L&D. Being sick is no fun!

Background: I had been fighting a cold since Sunday before last.  I felt better last Sunday and Monday.  Woke up Tuesday with a dry cough, but blew it off as needing a humidifier in my room and went on to work. Felt like crap all day at work, was close to tears and spent the afternoon allowing the students to learn science and social studies through streaming videos. (Thank goodness for technology). After I came home and took a nap, decided to take my temp and actually had a fever of 100.8. I rarely get a fever.

All day Wednesday my temp was up and down with tylenol spiking as high as 102.6.  Called the doctor's office but they told me to call back if I was still sick on Thursday. So, went in she gave me antibiotics. Got home and tried to nap, but my eyes felt like they were on fire! My temp had gone up to 103.6! Freaked out, took a cold shower, didn't work.  Called my mom (nurse practitioner) who told me to call my doctor back, nurse's line told me to go to ER. 

At ER had chest X-rays indicating pneumonia. Fabulous. Had antibiotics administered through my IV.  An L&D nurse came to check baby's heartbeat, which she said was high due to my fever. Spent about 3 hours in the ER before L&D came and stole me away, informing me they'd keep me overnight to monitor baby and to treat the fever.  Tylenol wouldn't keep the fever down, just as it wouldn't at home, so they gave me advil which finally brought it down.  Once my fever was down, baby's heartbeat was back to normal.  Got oral antibiotics, something for the cough and another round of antibiotics through the IV and was finally releases yesterday evening.  I'm still supposed to rest most of the weekend, but am feeling so much better now. Hated being in the hospital, but loving the peace of mind knowing baby is okay. 

Also, I was scheduled for my a/s yesterday, but since I couldn't leave the hospital they were able to do it there.  

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