January 2012 Moms

I'm not sure I'll ever get used to...

my mom talking to my unborn baby.  I don't mind when DH says hi to the baby. But my mom asks the baby questions..., "how's it going, little guy?  are you being a good boy?" crazy stuff like that.  I don't really know how to react or if I should answer for him!! LOL. 

She did it with my DD, too, when I was pregnant with her. And I minded a little less when it was close to my EDD b/c baby was more like a baby and could probably really hear her.  And my tummy was so big it didn't feel as weird.  But until my bump is huge and this kid can respond to her voice, I feel like she's just talking to my crotch...and that's weird.

Is there anything that people do to you that you don't think you'll be able to get used to?

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