Single Parents

s/o venting...

I hate XH.  I don't say that very often, but right now I do.

He's supposed to pick up B at 10am tomorrow.  I texted him tonight to see what if anything I need to pack (the past few times, I've gotten flack for not packing the entire visit's worth of clothes-silly me, I thought he would have clothes for his own child).  I also asked him what time he was going to be here because the past 2 times, he sends a text an hour before he's supposed to be here that says "I'll be there in 20 minutes" or something similar.  I then have to run around and get B ready in half the time and it's just chaos.

He told me he plans to show up at 9:30 so he can be on the road by 10 and get back for the big game (which is at 11:05).  You see your child a few hours a month and all you care about is to get back to watch a freaking football game?  I'm so mad for B that I'm in tears.  His father whines he doesn't get enough time with his son, yet the time he does get he can't devote one on one attention to him and would rather watch the game "with" B.  What a joke.  It's really hard for me to say he "deserves" any time with his amazing son right now.

In addition, his Maxim subscription that I thought he cancelled just showed up on my credit card statement and he wants me to sign a satisfaction saying he has paid all amounts due under the temporary order for CS, except the check was less than half of what it should be.  He's a complete self absorbed idiot and I hate him.


imageimage. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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