January 2012 Moms

Okay...this sex is not making me happy...my TMI sex life

There are very few times that I'm wanting sex when pregnant.... and I'm honestly a little frustrated with DH for the few times that we do.  Approx 3-5 mns into actual penetration he's done.  And I can tell he feels kinda bad and I don't want to make him feel bad.  His excuse is that it just ''feels so good'' and since we don't do it very often he can't control himself.  I get that....but honestly, if I want sex, I want more than like 5mns.... so then I'm so frustrated!!! 

He tries to make up for it in other ways which I appreciate but if I want sex then I want sex! And it's getting harder to hide the frustration.  I think we've only had sex maybe 10 times since my BFP and 6-7 of those times we've been cut short by his 5mns and done scenario.  I don't want to make a big deal of it to him b/c I don't want him to get any performance anxiety and make it worse. But seriously, he's not 18... I feel like this shouldn't be a problem for him, no matter the excuse of us not doing it very often.. kwim?

Anybody able to relate or have any advice?  Lol I know it's TMI but I gotta get this off my chest!!!!

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