January 2012 Moms

A little bummed about how we found out the gender! And us to team...


Well, we were supposed to have the u/s tech and/or doctor write down the gender and put it in an envelope for us to find out at dinner with our parents....

BUT the doctor wouldn't do it for "liability" reasons and persuaded the u/s tech not to either.  So after thinking about it for awhile, DH and I found out that we're having a GIRL!!!!!!

We are still going to go out to dinner and surprised my mom and dad along with my 13 year old son... but I'm bummed that it wasn't the big surprise for DH and I that I was anticipating.
I told the u/s tech that I wasn't sure I was ready at that exact moment because I had myself all prepared to wait til during dinner tonight.

Oh well haha, one thing we'll always remember!! Everything looks great with the baby, so that's all that really mattered.  Yay for team pink!!

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