Upstate NY Babies

I'm so embarassed

Day care called to let me know that Stella had a fever and our medication form was out of date.  I work less than 5 minutes from there so I took an early lunch and went over to give her some ibuprofen.  Of course she thought I was there to get her and she was walking around with her kitty & lovey sort of whining.  And she kept saying "Go, Go".  I lost it and started crying, too.  I'm way too hormonal for this! 

Her teacher called me less than 5 minutes after I left to let me know that she was already asleep.  Ugh, my poor Beanie baby.  I hope it's just a cold since DH & I have both had runny noses and scratchy throats the past couple days but there was a confirmed case of strep in her class room so now I'm worried.  This is very sucky timing.

DD1: 3/31/10 DD2: 9/7/11
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