Upstate NY Babies

Do you cry easily?

Because I do.  And I feel like all it does is hurt me.  DH knows that if i'm not crying I'm super pissed, because I cry A LOT.  Being pregnant doesn't help, but sometimes i just can't help it.  I feel like crying is strong physical emotion, and because I do it so much, DH doesn't take me seriously (sometimes) if we are aruging.  I was thinking about that just know, because basically I am so over this week.  My IL's are crazy, I've been sleeping like crap, L is sick, I'm super busy at work (as I sit here and post on the bump...haha!) and our schedule is completely off because DH has been working 12 hour night shifts with storm duty all week.  Just thinking about it i'm starting to tear up.  Sometimes I just wish I wasn't so emotional!  GAH!  Crying
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