January 2012 Moms

Team green/IL rant

We are team green and very excited about not knowing. I think it might be a girl because of my side of the family. A grand total of 5 boys have been born out of a possible 43 over 3 generations.Not that it means anything, we could still have a boy.

 However, my ILs are so certain that we are having a boy. FIL already went out and bought boy toys and clothes. MIL keeps posting stuff on FB like "him" and "he". This really irritates me and I correct them every time. I almost want a girl just so they are wrong. I hope all of this from them doesn't make me resent having a boy if that so happens. DH just keeps saying that they are excited.. blah blah. Well so am I but I just called it baby!

Probably just crazy pregnancy irritations, but i just had to get that out because it is bothering me... 

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