January 2012 Moms

Anyone else opting out of the Glucose test?

In my last pregnancy my Dr. let me opt out of the GTT and gave me an Rx for a glucose meter, testing strips and lancets and just had me test fasting and non-fasting blood sugars.  He said it was just as effective in diagnosing Gestational Diabetes and not nearly as uncomforable as the GTTs are. 

So my new Dr. gave me the option this time, too, and after all of the horrible stories I've heard from everyone who has done the test(s) I decided to do it this way as well.  Just curious if anyone else has done, or will do this option, too.  I just get so freaked out when people tell me about their awful experiences with the glucose test and sure want to avoid it at all cost if possible! You know how powerful the fear of the unknown can be!!! :)  Of course I'd do the traditional glucose tests if there were no other option but I'd much rather poke my finger a couple of times over puking my guts out and spending 3 hours at the Dr's office drinking that horrible sugar concotion, kwim?

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