January 2012 Moms

AW: wanna see what I'm working on? (nursery related)-Updated

I found this pin on pinterest (let me know if you need an invite and I'll send you one!)



so far...this is what I've got

Step 1: fill color


 Step 2: floral design


my camera phone won't get the entire canvas :( but there's a good 2 1/2 inches of plain green wash on the right hand side for the quote to fit with a little overlap on the floral, like on the pinterest pic.

 now I'm just waiting for the floral to dry then off to paint on the Dr. Seuss quote! I'm going to do that part in silver unless you can think of another color that might look good?



Step 3: Lettering


Finished Product (not yet dry though!)


I'm kinda proud of it Embarrassed


the LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Psalms 34:18
My Blog || BFP Chart
11/27/10-BFP, EDD 8/9/11 || 1/4-7/10- missed m/c 9wks
4/25/11- BFP , EDD 1/5/12
Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
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