January 2012 Moms

no, it's not "our baby" (vent)

The most annoying thing about this pregnancy is that everyone in my family keeps referring to my child as "our" baby. What exactly have you got to do with me being pregnant? You didn't get me knocked up and you aren't the one that has to be medicated just to keep food and fluids down. SO is the only person that help my hair when I was puking up everything that went in my stomach. You haven't felt the financial burden of losing my job when I was 4 months pregnant because I was so sick I couldn't do my job. Will you be taking the late night breastfeeding shifts when we come out of the hospital? Who exactly is gonna help me by taking some of the labor pains? Where were you when I was too sick to even take care of myself and SO had to do all the cooking and cleaning while working full time? Who the hell are you to say this is "our" baby? I get that everyone's excited. It's the first baby in our family since my little sister and she'll be 17 in January. But, seriously? This child is going to have two parents, me and SO. Period. 


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