Upstate NY Babies

Grrrr... At my DH!

We have a wedding to go to on Sat that I totally forgot about it until this week, August just flew by.  It is an outdoor wedding/reception in their yard, I think rather informal and it is going to be in the high 80s on Sat afternoon.  I realized I have nothing to wear, so I called DH and told him I needed to go to the mall before Sat to buy a dress.  He says I have a dress, I just bought it last summer.  I agreed, I did indeed buy a dress for a formal indoor wedding last summer that I could wear again.  It is black and, well, formal.  I told him I didn't think it was appropriate for a hot, outdoor wedding and needed something a little lighter and brighter.  He completely disagreed and said I just don't need to go shopping and there are much more important things that need to be done:-(  My MIL can't/wont watch both kids and I am already bending over backwards to arrange child care for the two kids on Sat.   Grr...  I was already annoyed with DH before that phone call.  So PO'ed at DH right now.   How bad would it be to wear a short but formal black with some pearly white/gray accents dress to a noon, outdoor wedding?
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