Upstate NY Babies

Hi girls, he's here!

Hi girls, I finally have a few minutes to post and say he's finally here!  Thomas Edward arrived 8/29 at 5:19am.  8 pounds, 4 ounces and 21.5 inches long.

We didn't have to do the induction, he beat us to it!  A lot of the nurses in L&D knew us because we had gone in for 4 NST's, they were all so excited.  And my doctor was really excited too, she came in for the induction and was really surprised to see me there with the baby.

My labor was awesome, much easier and faster than Rosie's.  8 hours start to finish, with one hour of pushing.  Labor with Rosie was 30+ hours with 4 hours of pushing- I guess every baby really is different.

Quick birth story- I started having contractions 5 minutes apart at 9:30pm, by the time I got to the hospital they were 3 minutes apart and I was 5cm.  I was having some pretty intense back labor so I got the epidural at 3:30am.  It only worked on one side, which was not so fun, but I liked the epidural much more this time around.  With Rosie I was completely numb from the waist down, and with this one I could still move my legs and feel things, I just had the edge of my pain taken off.  At 4:30am I felt the need to push, and I was ready to go- from 6cm to 10cm and pushing in an hour.  I pushed for about an hour, and he came out sunny side up with no tears or stitches needed.  I think the 2 week wait was worth it for that kind of labor!

He's a great baby, nursing well and Rosie just adores him.  She insists on holding him several times a day, and is always fussing over him.  Here are a few pictures:



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