January 2012 Moms

mom is a lurker vent

She gave herself away yesterday that she lurks on this board.  This is very upsetting to me, since now I have no where I can go during my pg (I have little friends who I can talk to about marriage/pregnancy).  I have had problems with her since day one and had to actually keep a lot of my pg info from her.  Basically she thinks this is her baby too and that she knows more than me about everything baby related.  I receive nothing but negativity and criticism from her (a slight exaggeration because she did like the pink onsies I picked out).  If she would just back off, and be more supportive of my decisions and expectations then our relationship would be better.  DH is furious because he understands how much I enjoy getting on here and having a place to vent, get advice, and support from other women going or have gone through pg in this decade.  He has offered to talk with her about not getting on here, but since I had that talk over a month ago (she admitted getting on the bump last month and promised she would stop) and obviously she doesn't care nor respects that I need privacy.  Also, she said a few other things yesterday that really pushed me over the edge (this time DH overheard what she said) and now we are debating whether she should even be at the hospital when I'm delivering.   I hope this anger subsides (had it since last night) and my comfort to be here returns, because I really don't want to leave this board.

Sorry about the craziness.  Like I said, I have no one I can cry to.  DH is a great listener, but sometimes I just need a woman to listen to me.  And I really hope this won't be my last post here.  If it is, I would like to say thank you to everyone here.

Photobucketimage BabyFruit Ticker
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