Upstate NY Babies

Lunch out with the kids

I feel bad because my friend wants to do lunch tomorrow.. she has the afternoon off and wants to meet at 12:15.  I told her that I like to get DD home by 1 to start getting her ready for her nap (which is 1:30 - but I don't want her being too grouchy or falling asleep in the car, and I like to get her wound down for her nap, not wound up).

So she suggested Friendlys, but I politely told her Friendly's has had bad service and takes forever (it takes forever to get our food.. I can guarantee we wouldn't be out BY 12:45).

Now I don't know what to do, because it seems like she wants to do sit-down (has suggested other real sit-down places), and how are we going to be seated, order, eat, and be out within a half hour?  If it were earlier I'm sure it would go faster (right before noon) but I know how things get so busy like quarter after.

I've tried to stay later but I tried it last week and had to leave our food on the table (I literally had 1 bite), go wait in the lobby for the waiter to bring the check because DD was sobbing.  I hate to suggest fast food or tell her that I changed my mind.. I am not a fan of doing the 'dine and dash', but I don't want to be a drag either :(

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