January 2012 Moms

*AW* A little ahead of the game... *lots of PIP!*

Okay...so just maybe I'm a little ahead of the game.  My whole philosophy with this pregnancy was to buy a little here and there so that I don't spend a lot at once.  When I would find things on super sale, I would go ahead and buy them.  Well...after a trip to Marshalls yesterday...it would appear that I have almost everything complete for the nursery!  Now only 20 or so more week for it to sit empty : Just lacking paint, the bookshelf (DH is picking up from IKEA today), the rocking chair that my dad bought for my mom when I was born, and a few other pieces to be complete!

Anyone else jumping biting at the bit?

Bedding...ordered and on the way from Buy Buy Baby

Crib...got for $90 brand new...had to buy!  The pink mirror will have a vinyl decal in the middle with her name in it:
The decal will look similar to this except with the name in lime green and no pink background:

 The Changing Table...the baskets all came from Marshalls.  The one to the left of the table will be used as a storage ottoman for the rocking chair.  DH is picking up the IKEA Expedit Bookshelf in White to place in the left corner for extra storage

Picture frames and holder...since the room is small and doesn't have a lot of space for cute stuff, I found these decorative dish holders and picture frames at Marshalls.  They happened to fit perfectly in it so I can easily get more pictures on the wall without multiple frames!

The walls I'm going to do in a limey green color.  Once I get the bedding in I will match it up to the colors!


Favorite thing about fall...Florida Football!

What's cookin'? BFP: May 16, 2011 DD born January 19, 2012 | Chart BabyFruit Ticker Anniversary imageBabyName Ticker

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