January 2012 Moms

Moms of 2+ with kids ~18 mos apart (and 1st timers!) - 2 cribs?

Hi Girls.

So I got the room situation figured out (thank you to those who helped me!) but now I am trying to think about the bed situation. DS moves around  A LOT in his sleep, and sometimes does these dramatic cries where he stands in his crib, but  then falls asleep like 2 mins later. I am REALLY nervous to move him to a toddler bed at 18 months - I feel like that is too early. 

But of course I have no experience with this. Have any of you done it to use the crib for the new baby? I am thinking there are several ways to go about this - i.e. put the mattress on the floor and line with pillows, then slowly raise the mattress, etc etc. . . but I am just not sure if DS will be ready and I kind of need to make a decision soon if I have to buy a crib considering a lot of them take like weeks to come in. 

 What do you girls thing? All opinions welcome! 

PS  - we are on team PINK!! I'll have one of each - I am so THRILLED, I always wanted a daughter. :)

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