Single Parents

Most days=no shower

Hello all.  I've been lurking here for quite some time but usually am entertained by just reading :) 

 I'm a single mom to a beautiful 16m old girl.  When I say single I mean completely, I had to get a RO when I was 6 months pregnant due to SD being physically/mentally abusive and we haven't heard a word since.  Well, besides threats through known people.  But no actions.   Such the manipulator that one.  We live in the same decently small town too... such a big talker.. ughhh.  Anyway that's a little back story. 

 Why I'm posting today is because I feel at the end of my rope sometimes. When I get home from work I feel like I'm constantly cleaning the house so she can be 3 ft behind me tearing it up again lol.  More days than not I'm like a monkey fvckin a basketball just trying to get her through the bath, me ready for work, breakfast, shiit in the car ughh SOOO overwhelming at times.  Worth it.  But exhausting. So my question is, does anyone have tips on how to grasp some sort of control? lol.    Any suggestions on how to make things run a little smoother would be helpful :))  TIA

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