January 2012 Moms

Pregnancy brain strikes again!

So I just got into a fight with my mom.  Except we were fighting about two different things and didn't realize it.  As I've already posted, my BFF is also pregnant.  So we decided to do our showers the same weekend in Oct (mine on Sat and her's on Sun) so we could go to each others since neither of us live in our hometown anymore. 

WELL... I was telling my mom that my friend asked MH and I to be her baby's godparents and I was so excited.  Then told her how we were thinking about doing a dual "shower" in the spring when the babies are both old enough.  Yes, that sounds odd, because I meant to say dual "Baptism." 

So my mom goes OFF about how she's trying put this together for me and how would I dare do this to her!  How her and her family wouldn't feel comfortable with all of my friend's family there.  So I start telling her it's my baby and it's not up to her to be in charge of the "shower" (yes, I apparently kept repeating shower instead of baptism).  She told me that was tacky and I was being ungrateful.  I was so confused and we were both hurt.  I told her we should drop it, because it wasn't set in stone just an idea and probably had 6 months to figure it out. 

Then she used the word "shower" and I was like "are you crazy? I'm talking about a baptism in the spring at the church we were both raised at."  She then informed me that I kept using the wrong word and was fine with the dual baptism idea.  Oy!  Like we need to be fighting over nothing?!  I felt really dumb.  I so wanted it to be my crazy mother's fault, but it was mine. EmbarrassedI want my brain back. Crying

Married DH - December 2006, Started TTC - July 2009, BFP - May 15, 2011 (round #1 chlomid) Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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