January 2012 Moms

Today I learned...

That the coolest thing I could ever do for my kid was take her to get xrays.  She got to where a gown and thought that getting pictures taken of her bones was awesome.

That regardless of the fact that I have a toddler and a prominent bump, people will still cut right out in front of me at the store, not bother to help open up the door and will impatiently "wait" while I try to get my kid in her car seat.  And by impatiently wait, I mean, they will give me 10 seconds and if I am not done, they will squeeze by me, and almost door ding me while trying to get into their car.

That regardless of how many times I shop at Fresh and Easy, while doing self check out, the helpers will always help bag groceries for single people and men before helping me.

I also learned today that the guy who works the butcher counter at Albertsons is freaking hot.  Hair net and all. 

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