January 2012 Moms

Too Many Tums?? (heartburn)

So for the past couple of days I've had horrible heartburn.  Even water gives me heartburn.  Tums will make it feel better for a little bit, usually, so I've been having some several times a day. 

I just looked on the back b/c I remembered from my last preg that there's a maximum.  Yeah.  Seven.  A max of SEVEN in a 24 hr period.  I think I've probably had 10 today and I haven't even had dinner or second dinner yet...  Not that I'm worried that i just OD'd my baby on calcium but seriously- I don't know how JUST 7 is going to do it....  I'm going to have to break out the pepcid my OB gave me :(

So just a warning- 7 is your daily max!

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