January 2012 Moms

Gender reveal anticipation...

So My Love and I will be having our U/S on the 19th and I called him today with what I thought was an awesome idea (been done before, but still awesome).

I asked him if he would be willing to not find out the gender right away at the appt. and have the tech put the answer in an envelope. Then we could do the whole, take it to a bakery and do the Gender Reveal Cake with pink or blue icing in the middle, thing... Then we could take the Grand Mothers and the Kids to dinner and we could ALL find out together during desert. Neat idea right?

He said the wait would kill him and he wants to find out right then lol. I know the suspense would kill me too, but I think it would be a memorable way to find out.

Also, we promised my Dad (who lives in another state) that he would be the 1st to find out, outside of My Love and I... So I guess he would be on the phone with us when we cut into the cake?

What do you think? Any other ideas? Would you be able to handle the suspense?

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