January 2012 Moms

Who wants to play detective/doctor? (kinda long)

Here's the scenario.  My BFF since 5th grade is pregnant as well.  She just graduated from law school in May, which is when she finally took a pregnancy test.  She originally thought her usually irratic periods/cycles were just off because of the stress of law school, finals and graduation.  She looked back and realized her last supposed period was at the end of February or beginning of March.  She was given the due date of November 25th.  She has no idea when conception actually occured (never told me whether she was on BC or what "failed" and I haven't asked). 

Well last month she had her a/s around 22 weeks, which I know is a little later than at least most of us, but her baby was 1 lb. 7 oz (23 oz!).  Which at least from what I've seen here, seems HUGE.  Now I will grant you she was a big baby (11 lbs. 2 oz).  However, she is only 5'4'' and the baby-daddy is only 5'5'', not large people.  I guess under her chart where they labeled the fetus' weight they had written "possible LGA", which we googled to mean "large for gestational age."  However, the OB never mentioned it to her (she has her charts because she is moving out of state and taking her charts with her to the new OB). 

 I asked her about her last period and she said it was regular for her but they're always light around 3-4 days.  She also mentioned remembering having an irrational meltdown right before her last "period" and her bf at the time asked her if she was pregnant, because of her irrational-ness.

So here is what I pose to you pretend detectives/doctors.  Was her last period actually spotting?  Will this baby come before Halloween instead of Thanksgiving?  Or does she have "big baby syndrome" or possibly GD (which she's being tested for this week)?  Or does anyone here think 23 oz is perfectly normal for an a/s at 22 weeks?  I'm just curious for assumptions, thoughts, etc.

Married DH - December 2006, Started TTC - July 2009, BFP - May 15, 2011 (round #1 chlomid) Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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