January 2012 Moms

Question for 2nd time moms about after delivery time!

For those with vaginal deliveries:

If you didn't have any complications in which your baby needed to be taken immediately to the nursery for care,  how long did you get to keep your newborn in the room with you before they took s/he back to the nursery for assessment/monitoring/etc?


For those with C-sections (either emergent or routine/scheduled):

How long before you got to hold your LO for the first time?  I know that they always let the mom see and kiss the baby (unless they need emergency care), but I imagine nothing compares to HOLDING your baby for the first time.



I ask this because although I worked OB for a short time, it wasn't at the hospital I am delivering at.  At my old hospital, we would allow mom to keep the baby in the room for quite a while before bringing them to the nursery.  At the hospital I am delivering at (and currently work at, just not OB), I think they tend to encourage the baby going to the nursery pretty quickly after delivery to be placed under the nursery Ohio table and monitored.  I feel as though that first bit of time with the baby is such an important bonding time, and as long as the baby is okay and doesn't need anything, I'd like to keep her with me for a while.

Ideally, I'd like 30ish minutes alone with just Me, DH, & LO, and to try to breastfeed.  Then for family to come in and see the baby.  The fact that I probably won't have this kind of control scares me a bit.


Also a coworker of DH's just had a C-section (not scheduled, but due to lack of progression), and she didn't get to hold her baby for over 2 hours after the surgery!  2 hours seems like a LIFETIME when you are waiting to hold your LO!

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